lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Para cantar en aferración sostenida y con acento de Gran Bretaña

Oh what it means to be loved,
what it means to wake up
next to someone else
and watch him blur in the hell
with the cloud shouting melted,
and at the dawn get on fire
finding steps on the Moon,
wasting the day causing tremors
like we've had all this months.

Oh what it means to be loved,
what it means to die soft
in a hand of some pen,
oh what it means to get cold
while we sit on the grass
smoking perfectly mad
and your lips touching mine.

Oh what it means to be murdered
by the claws of time
ignoring ships and divortions
thousand miles far away.

Oh what it means to be perfect
searching for sins at the back
and try to take all the gold
of the blood from the Lord.

Oh what it means to be loved,
what it means to wake up
next to someone else
and wach him blur in the hell,
the hell, the hell, the hell,
making fun out of people
who live whitely and then rest.

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